This is the conclusion to the article How Muscle Testing Works Part 1: The Physics of BioElectric Fields.
We now understand that muscle testing, which might have seemed like magic even 100 years ago is actually rooted in the science of Biophysics and based on the newly discovered Law of BioElectric Fields (as outlined in the article linked above). However, it is sometimes unclear to readers exactly how fluctuations in the body’s own BioElectric Field (which would be perceived as a colour-shift, if you could see them) can affect muscle strength and get picked up during a muscle test.
In this entry we will explore the missing link between the BioElectric Field and the muscles. This will explain the mechanism by which muscle testing is able to provide accurate data about human health and will lay the groundwork for a whole new science of BioElectric Field analysis, where we will come to see the body’s BioElectric Field as the 6th and most powerful of the 5 senses.
So as to keep this grounded in the practical, let’s begin with a short review of why this information is necessary.
The Sensory Disconnect (Internal)
The problem with our brains – and this has been a problem since we developed a prefrontal cortex (PFC, the brain region where higher reasoning takes place – lizards for example don’t have a PFC) – is that we can only consciously access about 5% of overall brain functions. We seem to have traded an ancient internal monitoring system (the now-hidden 95%) for a new external monitoring system (the 5 senses) and now we’ve forgotten the 95% was even there.
The good news is we can still retrieve the missing 95% of information. Here’s how:
Our 5 senses are pointed out at the world, not inward at our own bodies. The sense that is pointing inward is the BioElectric Field itself which, largely because we can’t see it, hasn’t until now even been recognized as a sense. Until someone invents a Star Trek-like Tricorder device, the only way to access information contained in the BioElectric Field is to use the manual skill of muscle testing as a diagnostic technique.
When used correctly, muscle testing can to provide us with the missing 95% of information about brain and body functions. There is no other simple way to access and process such a large volume of information and this is consciously apparent even to the 5% of our brains we can access. For example, try to:
Slow your heart rate
- Evaluate the health of your heart muscle
- Identify which enzymes your liver is (or isn’t) producing
- Find out what’s wrong with your digestion by thinking about it.
You can’t.
These are only a few examples of what I call the sensory disconnect. This disconnect may have widened at a time in our evolution when it was more important that we identify external life-threatening events for which we needed the 5 outward-pointing senses but today there are relatively few external threats. The threats are all internal again: heart disease, cancer, degenerative conditions, autoimmune disorders, nutritional deficiencies and the root causes of these issues – parasites and metal toxicities.
We can’t sense any of these problems and thus, can’t do anything about them. They fall under the so-called natural causes we believe it is normal for everyone to die from in the same way that lions, bears, snakebites and nutritional deficiency were the natural causes people died from 100,000 years ago. Our 5 senses are disconnected from the information we now need to stay alive in the modern world and the average human lifespan is stuck in 75-80 year range, with a noticeable downward slope in quality of life near the end of the range. Muscle testing can help by providing direct, accurate information about body functions that we can’t otherwise access. The people who have this information will get sick less, recover sooner and live longer with better health.
The diagram below illustrates the sheer quantity of information we don’t have conscious access to. We are unable to interpret data from the organs (Liver, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Gall Bladder, Spleen, Kidneys) the glands (pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, prostate, ovaries, testes) or any of a hundred metabolic processes surrounding nutrient absorption, vitamin levels, mineral deficiency, blood flow, arterial health, immune system, cellular repair and bone density. We are also unable to sense any of the more immediately life threatening issues such as parasite infestation, cancerous overgrowth and metal toxicity.
But this information does in fact get relayed to our brains. The disconnect isn’t between the brain and the body, it is between the brain and the brain, or more specifically, between the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and the Central Nervous System (CNS). The part of our brain that receives the missing 95% of information (the ANS) is not physically wired into the part of our brain we think with (the CNS). To phrase this in different language, it is possible to feel (ANS) that there is a problem but not know (CNS) what the problem is.
The image of neurons in the figure above is from an MIT study of brain mapping. In the case of the sensory disconnect, these might be the actual neurons carrying the information we need, but they don’t physically plug into the brain region we use to generate a conscious (some would say a holographic) understanding of the world. In this way we self-create an incomplete picture of our own internal functions. When people repeat the well-known maxim that we’re only accessing 5% of our brain’s potential, this missing organ information is included in the 95% we’re not accessing.
The term sensory disconnect could also be expressed as a synaptic or neurological disconnect. To be absolutely clear on this point, there are neurons carrying this information and we do need this information. We’re just not able to consciously access it. The value of muscle testing is that it enables us to interpret the missing information.
The Sensory Disconnect (External)
Bearing in mind that we are all 5 senses-dominant, if its not difficult enough that we can’t read what’s going on inside our bodies, our 5 senses aren’t particularly good at interpreting what’s going on outside our bodies, either. They’re great for avoiding lions and bears, but:
Sight: our eyes can’t see the microscopic (parasite eggs) or the atomic (metal toxicity) – the two main things that go wrong with the body
Touch: our skin receptors can’t pick up electromagnetic information, which at the level of particle physics is how everything communicates
Taste: We have lost the ability to taste whether things are poisonous for us. We can’t even taste water (dogs and other animals can)
Smell: We have lost the ability to smell whether things are poisonous for us
Hearing: We can’t hear vibration imbalances in matter that would indicate whether it was harmful to us
The external disconnect is nowhere more obvious than with foods: The salad in the picture above could have parasite eggs that would hatch in your stomach and ruin your health for decades to come but you’d never see them, smell them, taste them or feel them on your tongue. Or in your stomach for that matter. When it comes to internal health, our senses are useless.
The Turtle Response:
If it were not for an ancient mechanism buried within the autonomic nervous system, the story would have ended here, on a depressing note. But it must be remembered that we have inherited an autonomic nervous system based on electrochemical relays and ancient survival responses that began in the first ocean arthropods. It is very, very primitive. Focused on “good for me” and “bad for me”, there is an innate recoil response built into our brains that has remained largely unchanged throughout evolutionary history. A fish darts away from a threat, a frog leaps into the pond and a turtle, which can’t run away, pulls it limbs and head into its shell. In each case, when a stimulus is perceived as “bad for me”, the recoil is physical. This perception of “bad for me” may take place within the 5 senses (touching a hot stove), or outside the 5 senses in the BioElectric Field, which we can’t consciously access at all, or within an organ that we can only vaguely access if at all. Either way:
When a physiologically stressful influence is exerted on or within our bodies, our brains perceive this influence and react much like a turtle would if you tapped on its shell.
Unlike a turtle we cannot pull our arms inside our torsos at the slightest sign of danger because they’re not retractable. Instead, the brain’s innate Turtle Response pulls it’s outgoing electric nerve signal back inside itself, or more accurately, it reduces the outgoing signal from let’s say 100% to let’s say 70% (the exact percentages are unique to each person). This is what we are identifying when we notice a “weak” muscle testing response during a muscle test.
Think of your body like the 1980’s game of Operation. If any stress point anywhere inside (or for that matter, outside) the body is activated, the red nose lights up. The red nose is our nervous system’s ancient Turtle Response.
Now imagine how difficult Operation would have been if there was no red nose and there was no buzzer: instead, someone would suddenly inform you that you had lost the game, without warning… There’s the human body for you.
That’s what happens when a negative stimulus acts upon the ANS outside the range the 5 senses can detect. We aren’t even aware the Turtle Response has happened. In most cases, the expression of reduced signal strength from this Turtle Response is so slight that we don’t even consciously notice a difference in strength. To notice it, someone would need to push down hard on a muscle that is functioning normally, then introduce a stimulus and then push down with the same force on the same muscle afterward and see if the Turtle Response has happened. If it has, which would we identify as a very slight reduction in the muscles’ ability to resist the same force that was applied initially, we would conclude that the stimulus was negative for the body, on the grounds that it elicited the Turtle Response. That’s what muscle testing is doing – its comparing before and after muscle strength to determine logically if a Turtle Response has happened. From this, we can conclude that the stimulus which elicited the Turtle Response must therefore be harmful, but harmful in a way that lies outside of the ability of our minds to consciously identify or understand it.
Internal versus External Stressors:
Interestingly enough, the Turtle Response expresses itself not only when an internal stimulus has been activated (such as pressure put upon an organ-pressure point or an area of injury or imbalance, for example) but also when an external stimulus has been introduced through the BioElectric Field (one that is completely outside the body and not in physical contact with it). Here’s a simple way to differentiate the two:
Internal Stressor: Already happening inside the body. Think of it as pressing upon a bruise you forgot you had. It isn’t hurting till you touch it, only then do you become consciously aware, but in this case touching an organ point doesn’t convey pain, it simply activates the Turtle Response.
External Stressor: Happening outside the body via the BioElectric Field. Think of it as rubbing your shoes on a carpet and getting an electrostatic shock. You weren’t aware the electricity was there until the point of contact, but in this case a negative stressor doesn’t produce any sensation of a shock, it simply activates the Turtle Response.
The Turtle Response is the missing link in our nervous systems that allows us to identify whether an internal or external stimulus is potentially harmful. It isn’t much but when captured with a muscle test, it’s enough.
Capturing the Turtle Response
Since the Turtle Response is hardwired into all biologic nervous systems, it is interesting to consider that Neanderthals could have used muscle testing. They could have founded a whole science of parasitology and metal toxicity based upon logical inferences drawn the appearance of Turtle Responses during specific testing parameters. But they weren’t smart enough. Neither, for that matter, were the Ancient Greeks nor the famous particle physicists of the 20th century. We’re really sitting on the brink of something exciting here.
The Turtle Response is the essence of muscle testing and it is very simple: possibly overlooked for all of human history in the same way gravity was precisely because it was so basic. If you perform a muscle test:
A: Before a stimulus: the muscle strength will seem normal.
B: During or within 3-5 seconds of a stimulus: the strength will be reduced ONLY IF THE STIMULUS WAS NEGATIVE TO THE BODY.
C: After a stimulus is over (5+ seconds later): the muscle strength will return to what it was before.
If this sequence of testing elicits the Turtle Response we can conclude, via logical deduction, that whatever stimulus was just introduced was the only thing that could have resulted in the Turtle Response (a weak muscle) and must therefore have been bad for the system. We have sacrificed instinct for brain power and in the process, lost the physical wiring that allows us to consciously access the part of our brains where instinct is stored. So let’s use our brain power, acknowledge our own evolutionary shortcomings and begin muscle testing things we cannot sense.
A skilled muscle testing practitioner can introduce different controlled stimuli into your BioElectric Field and draw a series of extraordinarily advanced and accurate conclusions about your health. As a muscle testing hobbyist, you can identify (and thus avoid) any number of products you are eating, drinking or using (as cosmetics and cleaners) that might be harming you. At its most basic level, think of it as a proactive way to stay healthy. For example, muscle testing is particularly useful during travel if you wish to avoid foods that have parasite eggs in them. Parasite eggs produce an electromagnetic plume that instantaneously provokes the Turtle Response when tested against your BioElectric Field.
The Physiology of Muscle Testing
As particle physics becomes more mainstream, the concept is leaking into everyday life that everything happens on an energetic level. This is meant literally: everything is made of electrons and protons (well, and neutrons. And quarks & leptons…but you get the idea.) Compounds are held together by strong and weak nuclear forces. Our bodies interact with their environments through the newly discovered Bioelectric Field. Our bodies communicate internally via electricity passing along nerves, but this doesn’t even require the nerves: many signals (such as pain) can travel along the fascia itself (fascia is the connective tissue that holds us together). So even pleasure and pain, which we think of as physical are actually electric.
When we eat something, we never actually come into physical contact with it: the food shares temporary electrostatic bonds with the taste receptors on our tongues, slides through our bodies trading electrons and protons which in turn never come into contact with anything. It could be said that the food misses us completely in the same way the neutrino, a subatomic particle can pass from one end of the Earth through to the other without ever coming into contact with a single atom, even a single electron of the Earth itself. Nothing ever touches anything else; it just exchanges energy in the form of electric charges.
Our senses collect electric data and convey it via electric impulses to our electric brains which interpret that data electrically and respond to it with electric fluctuations that in turn result in outgoing electric and hormonal signals which are then received electrically by the body. Our thoughts and emotions are themselves low-level electric fields that interact with quantum reality as energy. Everything happens on an energetic level.
Consider the 5 senses from this perspective:
Sight: rods and cones in the eyes translate light into electric impulses, which they send to the brain along the optic nerve.
Touch: Pressure and heat receptors in the skin translate the perception of things that never actually touch us into electric impulses which they send to the brain along the sensory nerves.
Taste: Chemoreceptors in the taste buds on the tongue translate electrostatic bonds from foods that never actually touch us into electric impulses, which they send to the brain along the gustatory nerve.
Smell: Chemoreceptors in the nose dissolve smells through a membrane where they are transformed into electric impulses, which they send to the brain along the olfactory nerve.
Hearing: Cilia in the ear collect sound vibrations into electric impulses, which they convey to the brain along the auditory nerves.
This all happens through electric communication and nothing ever touches us. This is why it makes so much sense that electric signal communication can happen outside the 5 senses. After all, the electric receiving unit is the brain itself. Since sensory inputs provoke and thereby validate the Turtle Response, it is reasonable to conclude that any extra-sensory data that provokes the Turtle Response is equally valid. The BioElectric Field can pick up information directly from the environment and convey it directly to the brain, making it the 6th and most powerful sense.
Here are some examples of seemingly extra-sensory inputs that have been explored throughout human history under the umbrellas of different ancient medical paradigms:
Organ pressure points: convey electric information about specific organs and glands
Acupuncture meridians: track the wiring along the conduits of electricity
Vedic Chakras: pools of electric information that overlap but don’t directly correspond with organs or nerves
And finally:
The BioElectric Field: the gateway into all of this, the 6th sense
The New Science of Muscle Testing
The Turtle Response is the missing link that connects the BioElectric Field to the muscles. The term “muscle testing” can be misleading. What is being tested is the brain and what is being looked for is the Turtle Response, which can be activated both by internal and external stressors, and from which we logically conclude that something is electromagnetically harmful to our bodies in a way the senses have lost the ability to consciously warn us of. Muscle testing isn’t about pushing on a muscle: it’s about living longer and better which you can only do if you have accurate knowledge of your own health.
When we fully learn how to interpret and control our BioElectric Field, we can bypass the limitations of our 5 senses and take complete control our own health. At some point in your life, understanding this is going to mean the difference between life and death for you.
There are applications of muscle testing that, when fully understood, will propel it light years beyond what it is currently being used for. Understanding the bioelectric field opens up horizons in parasitology, longevity studies, auto-immune cures, cancer elimination, metal toxicity, toxicology, virology, pharmacology, cell regeneration, neuroscience, cognitive therapies, organ transplant, bio-prosthesis and nanotechnology that can move 21st century health care into the space age.
I close this article with a challenge: learn the skill of muscle testing and start using it. Apply it to our own life, talk to your friends about it. Go see a muscle testing practitioner, take courses in it, find out how you can benefit from it. Use muscle testing to live longer and better. Experiment with it, have fun.