On the Chemistry and Parasitology of Lyme Disease

One of the challenges with Lyme Disease is finding a way to quantify the root causes of the various symptoms associated with it. These are often so diverse from one person to the next that there doesn’t appear to be any consistency, but there is a pattern.

Lyme disease itself was originally named after Lyme, Connecticut where a number of infections caused by the borellia bacteria started occurring. These may or may not have had something to do with a bioweapons research facility just across the water from Lyme that specialized in infecting ticks with weaponized pathogenic bacteria, but our focus here is not on fear or finger pointing but rather on understanding the pathology of this disease. Borellia is treatable by doxycycline or amoxicillin, but those antibiotics frequently fail to resolve the Lyme symptoms, and the patient and the practitioner are left to deal with a condition that they do not fundamentally understand.

This article will propose that the core symptoms of Lyme can best be understood when we examine its chemistry and parasitology. This data is drawn from my own unpublished research in advanced biochemistry, and is intended for both patients and practitioners around the world.

Chronic Lyme Disease

It may be useful to watch the following Joe Rogan interview of American epidemiologist Michael Osterholm. If you don’t have time to watch the whole 14 minute clip, Osterholm states the problem that this article is concerned with from 3:00 to 4:45 minutes in the video.

Osterholm reinforces the prevailing understanding that A) there is some factor triggering an immune system response, and B) the body is attacking itself.

As we will see, A is the case but B is not. Our bodies are not idiots. They do not attack themselves.

Lyme Treatment Protocols 

This is a list of the protocols currently used to treat Lyme. It is not intended to be comprehensive, just a short summary.

Borrelia is treated by doxycycline or amoxicillin.
Bartonella, another bacteria that is sometimes a co-infection of Lyme, also takes doxycycline.
Babesia, a single celled parasite is treated by a combination of medicines: usually antimalarials like atavaquone or hydroxychloroquine, together with antibiotics like azithromycin or clarithromycin.
Anaplasmosis, a bacteria associated with some Lyme infections, treatable by the antibiotic Anaplasma phagocytophilum.
Rickettsia, a bacteria called Ehrlichia chaffeensis treatable by doxycycline
Viruses, there are a number of viruses, some with names, some without but none with simple treatment protocols. You could stay on valacyclovir for life I suppose but it has side effects.

If those meds don’t work, people tend to run the gamut of multi-celled antiparasitic medications: mebendazole for roundworms, albendazole for a different kind of roundworms, praziquantel for flukes, ivermectin for filaria, nitazoxanide for a range of parasites from blood worms to cryptosporidium and metronidazole in case you’ve got amoebas or giardia.

If those don’t work there are many herbal concoctions on the market. The effective ingredients tend to be cloves, wormwood, black walnut and Pau D’arco bark (if you can get the real stuff). Some people pass worms from these and have a great story for the campfire but large intestinal worms are not the cause of Lyme.

A percentage of the time, some combination of these protocols does work. Other times nothing seems to help and the core metabolic and neurological symptoms persist.

If you’ve read the article this far, there’s a chance you’ve tried all of this and are feeling no better, except now you’ve become an involuntary specialist in antiparasitic and antibacterial pharmacology. That’s a degree I’d like to see added to a university curriculum: ‘Involuntary Specialist’ in Pharmacology. Being able to show receipts for all of these medications should definitely count as credits towards the degree.

None of this however clarifies what the immune system is attacking.

Insects and The Parasites They Carry

A core concept about insects that is not widely appreciated is that all insects carry microscopic worms that can autopopulate. When the insect stings or bites you, they infect you with these worms, and the worms start autopopulating in you.

All insects. So black flies, bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, venomous ants, mosquitoes, sand flees, water flees, the tsetse fly, the kissing bug, and of course ticks. Every single bite from every single insect carries these worms. Technically, all other insects also host these worms (moths, butterflies, preying mantises, dung beetles, etc.), but because they don’t bite us, we’re not concerned with them.

Spiders and scorpions also give you a worm when they bite you but those worms have a different chemistry than we are interested in here. So now you’ve earned credits in ‘Involuntary Entomology‘ as well.

Lyme is spread by a tick so it falls under the category we are interested in. This type of worm is called a filaria.

There are three main categories of multi-celled parasites: 1) Flatworms [flukes and tapeworms], 2) Roundworms [intestinal, tissue, soil-transmitted] and 3) Filaria.

To offer some perspective on the number of species of filaria in nature, there are thought to be roughly 10 quintillion individual insects on the planet and all insects contain one or more types of filaria. If a billion is a 1 with 9 zeroes after it (it is…), a quintillion is a 1 with 18 zeros after it. To put this in perspective there are thought to be 7.5 sextillion individual grains of sand on the planet, including all beaches, deserts and the ocean floor. A sextillion only has three more zeros (21) than a quintillion. Simply put, there are a lot of insects on planet Earth, and they all host filarial worms. Nobody has ever made a complete effort to count the number of species and subspecies of filaria. For example, a poorly researched but publicly voted-on wikipedia article on filariasis proposes that there are 8 species of filaria. (Thanks wikipedia contributors. Um, don’t quit your day jobs.)

Here’s a picture of a microscopic filaria. This is magnified about 1000x. They are mostly microscopic and live in the body tissues or the lymphatic system. That’s probably why they’re hard to find and study.

There are at least 1000 known species of ticks. Far from assuming that they all host the same single species of filaria, or that there is a ratio of one filarial species to one tick species, it is possible that like humans, a single tick species could have hundreds of species of filaria living in them. Filaria are that small.

Because the number of filarial species is impossible to count (there is very little data available), and because once we’re infected with them they merge into the filarial colonies that we already host, we need a better way of understanding them than counting or naming species.

The simplest way is chemistry. All filaria use the same group of elements on the periodic table so we can find them based on their chemistry signature.

All Organisms Have a Single Chemistry

A central principle of biochemistry is that all organisms use a single element as the basis for their cellular metabolism. Let’s explore this briefly as a concept.

You already know what element we humans use for metabolism, even if you don’t know that you know it. You will surely be aware that our cells have little organelles in them called mitochondria. That word should be familiar from high school biology. The chemical that mitochondria produce is ATP. This stands for adenosine triphosphate. Tri is three and phosphate is a phosphorus (element P#15) with some oxygen molecules attached, so in short ATP contains three phosphorus atoms. Thus humans depend upon phosphorus for our energy metabolism. Without it we would die in seconds. We may be carbon based organisms but we have a phosphorus based metabolism.

It is an interesting aside that these mitochondria are not actually ours. They’re not us…they have their own DNA that is different from human DNA. We inherit mitochondria from our mothers during gestation, so that all mitochondria are passed down. In fact biologists propose that they can trace mitochondrial DNA back to a single female ancestor aptly called Mitochondrial Eve. All of this to clarify that we can’t actually produce our own energy, we depend upon mitochondria and they depend upon phosphorus.

This concept that a single-celled organism uses a single chemistry as the basis for its energy metabolism is a lead-in to the entomology and parasitology of Lyme. It is the case that all parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi, like the mitochondria, each use a single element from the periodic table as the basis for their energy metabolism, but unlike the mitochondria, they do not all use phosphorus. There are 98 elements that exist in nature at some quantity and all the organisms on the planet are adapted to one of these 98 chemistries including parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi. Organisms that fall into species and subspecies groups all share predictable chemistries.

It gets a little more complex in that broad species groups like filaria, that are probably spread over a billion species, contain some diversification but even this diversification is consistent within a species in that they diversify along same-valence lines in chemistry.

We will explore this concept of valence based chemistry speciation in more detail as it is central to understanding Lyme, but first we will delve a bit deeper into the concept of the 98 chemistries.

Summary Thus Far

So far this is the sequence of events:

1. A tick bites you
2. It gives you various pathogenic (bad) bacteria that are summarized by the words Lyme or Lyme co-infections.
3. Sometimes other symptoms persist that epidemiologist don’t seem to know much about.
4. The tick also gives you various species of filaria, a type of microscopic worm nobody seems to know much about either, probably because there are a billion species and we are only looking for the 8 types on wikipedia.
5. These worms have a recognizable chemistry that can be tested for, and this is probably the unknown factor in Lyme symptomatic patterns.

The rest of this article is focused on the chemistry of tick-vectored filaria, and the biological symptoms resulting from imbalances in these chemistries.

Elements and Their Biological Roles

All of the first 98 elements play biological roles.

If everyone understood this it would solve a lot of problems. At present this is not only not understood, it is actively thought not to be the case. There is consensus on about 20 of the elements, differing opinions on another 10 or so, and the 70 or so remaining elements are believed to do nothing at all, even though they are highly reactive in nature and are known to exist in the human body at trace levels. Somehow when they get into us they become inert, it is proposed.

Here is a link to a wikipedia page strenuously insisting that most of the elements do not play biological roles. This is the sort of reason that I think wikipedia is one of the main problems in the modern world. Many of the articles seem to be written by overgrown children, still in their underwear, sitting in their parent’s basements foisting their poorly researched and biased opinions on the rest of us.

I will be elucidating this concept in my upcoming books (that the elements play biological roles, not the Wikipedia underwear problem–that one is beyond my scope). Book 3 (Muscle Testing for Nutrients and Supplements) and Book 4 (Muscle Testing for Metal Toxicity) are both centered around this fundamental concept in biochemistry. For now I will assert that this is the case, and acknowledge that I am openly contradicting an existing belief system. That way if you fact check my assertions you will not be surprised when I seem to be contradicting everyone else.

Thus we are off to a good start. If we want to understand something like Lyme, that has never been fully understood, maybe we need to start challenging some prevailing assumptions.

Elements numbers 1 (Hydrogen, H#1) through 98 (Californium, Cf#98) all exist in the human body at varying quantities and each plays a biological role. What has probably been lost in the shuffle over the years are the levels at which they exist.

In nutrition we don’t count below micrograms (millionths of a gram) and in biology we rarely count below nanograms (billionths of a gram). Many of the heavier elements fall in the picogram (trillionth), femtogram (quadrillionth), attogram (quintillionth) or zeptogram (sextillionth) levels.

To put that in perspective using uranium (U#238) as an example, a single uranium atom weighs 0.395208 zeptograms but we not only have a single atom in us, we are understood to have about 100 micrograms worth of atoms. This is not controversial, it is agreed upon. Doing the rough math on that, if U238 weighs 238 atomic mass units or AMU (it does…) then it works out to us carrying about 253 quadrillion uranium atoms. Because uranium spontaneously bonds with other atoms in predictable ways, I think we can agree that it is highly unlikely that 253 quadrillion atoms are doing nothing whatsoever to our biology.

It is an undisputed fact that every element on the periodic table exists in the human body at least in the zeptogram range or above. Even atoms of francium (Fr#87), that there is speculated to only be 30 grams of on the entire planet, exist in the body at these ultra trace levels. I think the problem all these years is that biologists haven’t been bothered to count that low, and nuclear physicists don’t care about biology. We have no devices that easily measure ultra trace minerals and no simple pathway to quantify what is happening if and when we find them in the body.

So your choice as the reader is to decide whether these elements exist in us and are not doing anything, or that they exist and are doing something, but there is no question that they exist in our bodies at macro, micro, trace and ultra trace levels.

Long story short, the chemistry of Lyme only makes sense once we understand that all of the elements I am about to list play biological roles, versus only one quarter of them as is currently assumed.

Valence Electrons

Back to valence electrons. In the opposing image, if you look at the concentric circles around the element symbol, the outermost circle, called a shell, has a star on it. Only one star means there is one electron on the outermost shell, whereas the inner shells generally have 8. These shells are also called electron orbitals, and the outermost shell is called the valence orbital. Any electrons on this shell are called valence electrons.

Valence electrons determine what can bond with that atom. Copper (Cu#29), silver (Ag#47) and gold (Au#79) for example all have different atomic numbers (29, 47 and 79) but each has one valence electron on its outermost orbital, and that’s why they fall in the same row on the periodic table and have a 1 at the top of that row. The 1 is the number of valence electrons. This gives them similar chemical properties and is the reason they are all shiny, malleable metals and good electrical conductors.

Valence electrons exist in numbers from 1 through 8. The elements we are interested in for Lyme disease all have 6 valence electrons.

Lyme Chemistry

In the section on mitochondria above we explored the concept that all organisms have a single chemistry as the basis for their energy metabolism, and further up in the section on insects and the parasites they carry, we identified that all ticks host a filarial parasite that they can give to us when they bite us.

Filarial parasites all have a chemistry based on elements that have 6 valence electrons, so for Lyme we are interested in the rows on the periodic table with a 6 at the top. These rows are highlighted in my new Muscle Testing Periodic Table posted below, but you should note that in this context we are not interested in oxygen, so it is not highlighted even though it has six valence electrons.

In parasitology, oxygen is not used by filaria, it is used by microscopic blood worms such as those identified in this article.

Besides oxygen, the elements with 6 valence electrons are sulfur, chromium, selenium, molybdenum, tellurium, neodymium, tungsten, polonium, uranium, and the idiotically-named ytterbium.

If you pick up a species of filaria from a tick bite, it will depend upon one of these elements, and since you have all of them in you, it will happily settle into its new home (you) and have a feast.

Let us examine the biological roles of these elements so that we can piece together what symptoms a person might experience when the element is depleted by a parasite.

I will organize these in the list below so that the list matches how they appear on the table above.

Row 6 (on the left side) in the transition metals:

Chromium (Cr#24) Biological role is to facilitate sugar metabolism by up regulating insulin production. It also confers corrosion resistance to enzymes. Symptoms of a chromium imbalance are low energy, chronic fatigue, high blood sugar and various circulatory and neuropathy issues. At severe levels this can lead to diabetes.

Molybdenum (Mo#42) Biological role is to facilitate the uric acid cycle, balance copper uptake and harden bones. Molybdenum enzymes help us to metabolize nitrogen, aldehyde, sulfur and xanthine. It confers temperature and corrosion resistance to enzymes, converts sulfites into sulfates and is inversely related to testosterone. It plays a major role in brain electrical functioning where its good electrical conductivity and high thermal resistance allow it to form a stable interface between superconducting neuron elements like silver (Ag#47), gold (Au#79) and caesium (Cs#55), and the fatty tissues and neuropeptides that we perform cognition with.

Tungsten (W#74) Biological role is to act as a hardener and stabilizer for gold- silver- and copper-lined neurons. It is a copper antagonist, a sulfur and nitrogen catalyst, a structural strengthener for other catalysts and forms a number of digestive enzymes. It confers hardness to bones, acts as a nuclear scintillator and radiation shield in the brain, allowing us to safely use all the radioactive elements for biological purposes. It is directly amplified by uranium (U#92).

Uranium (U#92) Biological role is to act as a clean slow burning nuclear power source in the brain and bone marrow. It amplifies tellurium’s thermoelectric and photovoltaic properties. Its foremost role is as a neuron electrical amplifier where it amplifies tungsten to facilitate neuronal firing in the brain, spinal and motor nerves. It is notable that cases of multiple sclerosis (MS) have a 100% correlation with an imbalance in uranium levels. Uranium is a major source, through its own nuclear decay, of other radioactive isotopes that the body uses for biological purposes (element numbers 43, 61, and 84 through 91). It also creates transuranic elements by releasing alpha particles that are absorbed by other uranium atoms. These combine and or decay in different ways to form neptunium (Np#93), plutonium (Pu#94), americium (Am#95), curium (Cm#96), berkelium (Bk#97) and californium (Cf #98) that all play biological roles of their own. Collectively the radioactive elements are the reason our bodies maintains energy efficiency in producing heat and bioelectricity. This is a completely unexplored field, and as far as I know my own pioneering work in it is the first, largely because we have not yet realized as a society that the nuclear elements play biological roles at all. (Thoughts for a name for this field? Bionuclear nutrition; Nuclear biophysics; Nuclear neurobiology)

Neodymium (Nd#60) Biological role is to amplify electromagnetic functioning in the brain and neurons while simultaneously introducing a cooling effect to keep our electrical system from overheating. It enhances the human bioelectric field strength in the near infrared spectrum and acts as an infrared shield for the skin and eyes. It protects against oxidative stress from free radicals (ROS), may act as a blood anticoagulant, may influence cell growth and heart beat via its magnetic field and may have a cooling effect on some enzymes.

Row 6 (on the right side) in the semi-metals or non-metals:

Again, we are skipping oxygen (O#8) deliberately, it is not used by filaria

Sulfur (S#16) Biological role is to form sulphuric acid to break down proteins during digestion. It is then recycled by combining with lead to form a sulphuric acid battery compound that contributes to our bioelectricity similar to how a car battery works. It is part of the essential amino acid methionine, forms part of vitamins B1 (oxygen synthesis) and B7 (protein synthesis) and the nonessential amino acid cysteine where it helps to repair skin, tendons and other tissues. It is used by the body to build various enzymes and antifungal/antibacterial compounds, and forms nucleic acids that are involved in DNA synthesis.

Selenium (Se#34) Biological role is to bond with methionine to form bioavailable selenomethionine (protein synthesis) and with cysteine to form selenocysteine (tissue repair). Upregulates the glutathione peroxidase enzyme that manages blood peroxide level and initiates hydroperoxide reduction of bad cholesterol. It is a cofactor (with iodine) in activating enzymes that modify thyroid hormones. It improves iron performance in hemoglobin and forms a photovoltaic compound in the eyes that converts incoming photons to electricity, making the eyes partly self-powered like a solar cell. It enhances electrical functioning in the prefrontal cortex and reduces oxidative levels in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Tellurium (Te#52) Biological role is to help convert body heat into electricity. It bonds with cadmium in our photoreceptors to form a photovoltaic compound that helps convert light into optical signals, with cysteine in the lungs and blood to enhance oxygen uptake, with barium in the liver and intestines as an oxidation catalyst and with chloride ions in the brain to enhance astrocyte functioning. Elemental tellurium is photovoltaic (converts light into electricity) and thermoelectric (converts heat into electricity).

Polonium (Po#84) Biological role is to act as a nuclear reactor in our brains and bone marrow, producing heat and electricity. It may literally give us the spark of life. In our bodies it would be surrounded by gold (Au#79) ions to prevent radiation damage from its alpha particles, and thallium (Tl#81) and tungsten (W#74) ions that would act as nuclear scintillators to convert its radiation into heat. It would also act as an amplifier for elements further up its 6-valence row (tellurium, selenium and sulfur). If you don’t think you personally have any polonium in your body, look up “Decay chains: thorium series, neptunium series, uranium series, radium series”. Finally, wikipedia got it right. We produce lots of our own polonium.

Ytterbium (Yb#70) Biological role is to produce an electric charge once dissolved (this property is called voltammetric). It is water- and acid-soluble and stable up to a pH of 13. It may regulate water soluble vitamin and amino acid uptake, and pH of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. It resonates in the short wave infrared spectrum at 1525 nm, warming surrounding tissues. It may also upregulate embryonic development and at toxic levels can be teratogenic (causing birth defects). 

Testing For 6-Valence Elements

One way to confirm an imbalance in the chemistries listed above is through a heavy metal test. I think they can test for sulfur, chromium, selenium, molybdenum, tellurium and tungsten. I’m not sure about neodymium, ytterbium, polonium or uranium. If there were toxicity in one of these elements on a blood panel, that would indicate a high burden of the filaria adapted to that specific chemistry, and you could look for the symptoms that correspond with the biological roles of the element as a second data point.

Besides some of the elements not being tested for, a challenge might arise if the filaria isn’t causing toxicity in the element but deficiency. Like two sides of a coin, filaria can cause toxicity or deficiency, but identifying a deficiency requires a different set of tests. Often each element would need to be tested for individually, and while there is a test for selenium deficiency, you would be hard pressed to find a lab that could identify a deficiency in something not understood to play a biological role like polonium or uranium.

Then, many of these biological roles are intangible, and an interruption in them would only present as chronic fatigue, headaches, light sensitivity, vision issues, brain fog, acidity, inflammation and neurological problems ranging from neuropathy and vertigo to muscle inhibition and chronic pain.

The thing is, that pretty much describes the list of Lyme symptoms.

Muscle Testing 6-Valence Elements

The simplest workaround to the chemistry identification problem is to muscle test a pure sample of each of these elements against the body’s own bioelectric field.

I wouldn’t expect this sort of modality to be used outside of a clinical setting, partly because people don’t know how to muscle test properly (self testing doesn’t generally work at the best of times) and partly because acquiring a periodic table muscle testing kit entails an expense and an amount of effort and mental focus that generally only a practitioner is willing to go to. Then there are technicalities here that would be obvious to a practitioner experienced in biomechanics but not be obvious to a lay person without any technical or biomedical training.

That said, this article is also intended for practitioners so here is a summary of the necessary methodology to muscle test for the 6-valence elements:

A baseline strength test or muscle test of an indicator muscle like the anterior deltoid should be normal for that person’s strength level. Let’s call it 10 pounds of resistance. When the chemistry of a particular element is balanced, it will fail to provoke a weak response and if the practitioner places the element on the patient’s chest or abdomen, the comparative test will be just as strong as the baseline. Thus there would be no evidence of an imbalance in that chemistry. If instead, introducing the element sample provoked a weak muscle testing response, so that the comparative strength was reduced to anything less than 10 pounds, you would have identified an imbalance in that chemistry.

In point form:
1. Start with a baseline muscle test.
2. Place a pure sample of a single element on the person’s chest or abdomen.
3. Redo the muscle test and compare the relative strength.
A- if the comparative test is still strong, you have not found an imbalance in that chemistry.
B- if the comparative test is weaker, you have found an imbalance.

Note that it is not sufficient for the patient to hold the element sample in their hand, as the hand placement is generally too far from the dense center of the body’s bioelectric field to provoke a sufficiently strong comparative stimulus. It should be placed on the chest or abdomen, using the anterior deltoid or quadriceps as the indicator muscle.

If one of the above element samples provokes a weak response, you have identified an imbalance in that chemistry, but you must build on the negative baseline in order to be sure that you have found a filarial parasite.

Building on a negative baseline works as follows. Once an element has been established to produce a weak response, leave it on the abdomen and one at a time place other pharmaceuticals along with it to see which one cancels it out. Perform a muscle test after each new pharmaceutical. If one of them cancels out the weak response, turning it back to a strong response, you can logically infer which pathogen is creating the imbalance based on the target organism of that pharmaceutical. If an antiparasitic cancels it out, you have found a parasite. If an antibiotic does, you have found a pathogenic bacteria. If an antiviral, you have found a virus. If an anti fungal, you have found a fungus.

In point form:
1.  Confirm that an element provokes a weak muscle test.
2. Place a pharmaceutical next to it.
3. Redo the muscle test.
A- If the test response is still weak, you have not found a correspondence.
B- If the test response is now strong, you have found a correspondence.

Here is a list of the medications you would muscle test in this context, remembering that each of them would have to cancel out one of the 6-valence elements for it to be reasonable to conclude that you had found something related to a Lyme chemistry.

Azithromycin and/or hydroxychloroquine = possibly Babesia
Clarithromycin and/or hydroxychloroquine = possibly Babesia

Note: Hydroxychloroquine and atavaquone also treat (and therefore indicate in a muscle test) malaria, but malaria doesn’t have a 6-valance chemistry, it is 7-valance in the right side halogen row only.

Amoxicillin = possibly borellia
Doxycycline = possibly borellia
Ivermectin = definitely filaria
Valacyclovir = definitely some virus or other
Fluconazole = definitely a fungus
Itraconazole = definitely a fungus
Ketoconazole = definitely a fungus

With these data points you should be able to build a data set that reasonably confirms the presence of Lyme. You would be looking for a 6-valance element that provoked a weak muscle testing response and was cancelled out by some combination of the above but at least doxycycline and ivermectin.

As an industry standard, it is the ivermectin that we are not consistently looking for. Often any anti parasite medication (mebendazole, albendazole, etc.) is construed to be an equally valid Lyme indicator but these medications do not treat filaria and their target organisms do not have 6-valence chemistries.

Dosage Toxicity

I will focus these comments on ivermectin only but this can generally be understood to apply to all the prescription medications. There are two reasons I never recommend that people actually take the drugs that they muscle test for needing.

The first is that I am not a physician and don’t have (or want) a license to diagnose conditions or prescribe medications.

The second is dosage toxicity.

Ivermectin will muscle test against one of the 6-valance elements, but at what dose? A muscle testing practitioner would need to use quantity testing to count pills.

A safe dose of ivermectin is 12 mg. Let’s call this ivermectin 1, and let’s equate 1 with maximum, so ivermectin 1 is the maximum safe dose that a person should take. I have known people who have taken ivermectin 2 or 3 but it causes severe symptoms after that.

In the context of quantity testing only (not taking the pills, just placing them in the bioelectric field) it is standard for one of the 6-valence elements to require between 10 and 40 pills before the negative muscle test turns back to a positive. So if the person could take that many pills, they would presumably kill the filarial parasite, but if they did take that many, it would kill them too. I would think that anything above ivermectin 6 would be a fatal dose. Ivermectin 10 (120 mg) is the dose for a 1200 pound horse. If you gave a horse ivermectin 40, it would kill the horse.

So why all this talk about death? Because of the dosage toxicity problem. Muscle Testing the pills confirms the presence of the parasite, but you cannot use the pills to kill the parasite if the required dosage is too high.

It should be noted that if you do not muscle test a high enough dose of ivermectin (30 pills for example, as opposed to 1 pill) you may not even arrive at a muscle testing correspondence between the medicine and the 6-valence element.

Lyme and Autoimmmune

This is the impasse with chronic Lyme disease. The chronic form probably is caused by a filarial parasite, but if there is no way to eliminate the organism then the patient will not be able to explore whether the symptom could go away post-treatment.

Supplementing with these minerals also wouldn’t generally work. The ones that are commercially available (sulfur, chromium, selenium, molybdenum) would just feed the parasite and make it stronger, and six of the ten forms are not commercially available. The only uranium supplement you’re likely to find is beef, and that’s probably why so many people with autoimmune conditions feel better when they eat less carbs (sugar) and more beef (uranium).

The ‘immune’ part of autoimmune is real. The ‘auto’ part isn’t. Auto means self, same or spontaneous. The immune system isn’t attacking itself, in this context it is attacking microscopic filaria, though it should be noted that in non-Lyme conditions that is not always the case. From the perspective of parasitology itself it may not be clear by what pathway a group of microscopic filaria could cause a major metabolic or neurological syndrome, but once we understand the chemistry, and realize that most filarial can auto populate without leaving the host, the progression of symptoms over time makes more sense.

The dosage toxicity problem stops us from using pharmacology to explore the extent to which filaria are at the root of the autoimmune aspect of Lyme.

Space Age Medicine

In my own professional practice I have done pioneering work in advanced nonlinear mathematics, biochemistry, parasitology and chemical and electrical engineering to find a way to use resonant frequency to kill filaria. My feedback is that it is possible.

My concern on a more global level is that according to the CDC’s own numbers 476,000 people a year are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease, and that’s just the USA. There are ticks in most northern countries. And to follow through on an earlier point, that’s just ticks. There are many other insect vectored non-Lyme pathologies that are caused by filaria, ranging from food allergies to breathing and eye conditions.

Every practitioner that every one of these patients goes to for support in every country where this happens will run up against the dosage toxicity problem and be unable to address filaria as a concern. I proposed in my book Experiments in Muscle Testing that the human race will enter a time called Space Age Medicine when we realize as a species that it is possible to use resonant frequency to bypass dosage toxicity. 

It is not enough for one person to realize this, or 1000, or 1,000,000. A critical mass of awareness will be necessary, and it is my feedback that this is not something that can be given, it must be earned. Since the tests don’t exist to fully substantiate the data, the muscle tests to cross check this data set must be learned and applied.

More to the point, in the short term I don’t see how anyone can recognize that a frequency based approach has worked unless they learn a way to use muscle testing to identify the markers, since only the formal absence of the markers can be agreed upon as indicating a successful frequency attempt.

Before we arrive at a place in our society where we have the right to demand a frequency-based solution to the dosage toxicity problem, I think we need to earn that right by building up a body of data confirming the chemistry and the markers so that we understand precisely what problem this solution is intended to solve. If members of the public do not have the education or ability to do this type of muscle testing and marker analysis themselves then practitioners must lead the way. There are hundreds of research labs around the world that should be sinking their teeth into this 6-valence chemistry based approach to Lyme disease, and tens of thousands of practitioners that can apply this information in a clinical setting.

We can only do it together. There is no immediate worldwide solution but there is a long term worldwide solution if enough people arrive at an awareness of this idea.