On the Chemistry and Parasitology of Lyme Disease

One of the challenges with Lyme Disease is finding a way to quantify the root causes of the various symptoms associated with it. These are often so diverse from one person to the next that there doesn’t appear to be any consistency, but there is a pattern.

Lyme disease itself was originally named after Lyme, Connecticut where a number of infections caused by the borellia bacteria started occurring. These may or may not have had something to do with a bioweapons research facility just across the water from Lyme that specialized in infecting ticks with weaponized pathogenic bacteria, but our focus here is not on fear or finger pointing but rather on understanding the pathology of this disease. Borellia is treatable by doxycycline or amoxicillin, but those antibiotics frequently fail to resolve the Lyme symptoms, and the patient and the practitioner are left to deal with a condition that they do not fundamentally understand.

This article will propose that the core symptoms of Lyme can best be understood when we examine its chemistry and parasitology. This data is drawn from my own unpublished research in advanced biochemistry, and is intended for both patients and practitioners around the world.

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How Dairy Allergies, Bloating and Acidity Can Stem From Malaria and Chlorine (Cl#17)

Contrary to what we often assume, malaria is alive and well in the West. This article will explore the biochemistry of how ultra low-grade malaria, almost universally undiagnosed, is a common cause of dairy allergies, bloating and acidity symptoms. The parasite does this by interrupting our metabolism of nutritional chlorine (Cl#17).

So how do we get it?

Let us examine the facts in the case.

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The Hidden Role of Helium (He#2) in Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a miserable condition. Maybe Larry had it. Seen in the image above, in 1982 Lawn Chair Larry decided he had had enough of truck driving, and that it was time to retire. Some of us might envision a log cabin, horses, or a sandy beach. Larry took to the skies. He filled a bunch of weather balloons with helium, tied them to a lawn chair and floated up and away from his San Pedro, California home. He ascended to 16,000 feet and finally drifted into the controlled airspace of Long Beach Airport and was forced to land. … Read the full article…

The Hidden Role of Parasites, Hydrogen and Water in Fat Gain

Most people reading this will be pleased to learn that fat gain may not be their fault. Quite often it is caused by a parasite that interrupts our metabolism of hydrogen.

In this article we will examine the parasites that cause fat gain, how they do it, and a little more technically, how to do a few muscle tests to see if this applies to you. If you have been gaining weight, or can’t lose it, this may save you hundreds of hours of dieting and exercise.

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Count the Blood Worms

In the world of biology a blood worm is something fed to fish in aquariums, such as bristle worms or midge fly larvae. This article is not about fish ponds or aquariums, but there is certainly something fishy going on.

In the world of parasitology, my world, a blood worm is a human parasite smaller than a red blood cell that lives in our blood streams.

You can easily observe them swimming around in a live blood analysis, and in the video posted below, we will see quite a number of different organisms.

Count the blood worms. How many can you spot?

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Experiments in Muscle Testing is a #1 Amazon Bestseller

Please pardon this tongue-in-cheek self congratulatory review. As you will see, being a bestseller isn’t as impressive as it sounds. But it’s still fun…

Please note that this article was updated (Mar 5/22). At the end, the results of the promotion and the winner are announced.

As you will see, with everyone’s help, we put Experiments in Muscle Testing on the #1 spot in every category.

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Experiments in Muscle Testing 2nd Edition Hardcover Now Available

Hi Everyone, I hope you’re all doing well. Here are 3 quick updates for you.

With the recent moves we have seen in California, New York, British Columbia and Quebec to institute a vaccine passport and formally undermine the political freedom guaranteed by our constitutions, it has never been more important to understand health. My book Experiments in Muscle Testing is possibly the most relevant piece of health information you will find because

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Parasites From The Ancient Past…In You

If you weren’t paying attention during the class where they explained the epochs of geological history, here’s some good news for you about the Devonian era (419 million to 358 million BC). You may have things in your digestive tract that look like they came from there.

I was reminded of this when someone I worked with recently passed the little parasite in the image below.

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The Health Ladder: A Guide to Symptoms and their Root Causes

The Health Ladder is a new philosophy of health developed by Leonard Carter that draws from muscle testing, logic, pharmacology, parasitology, physics and a number of other sciences to make a close examination of symptoms and their root causes. The thought process is organized around the rungs on a metaphorical ladder of health from Rungs 0 through 7. The Health Ladder is intended to be self-explanatory and is located below as an image. Each side of the ladder gets a letter (the A-side vs. the B-side) while each rung of the ladder gets a number (Rungs 0 through 7). If a … Read the full article…

Book Launch! Experiments in Muscle Testing, by Leonard Carter

Hi Everyone, I am pleased to announce the launch for my long-awaited book EXPERIMENTS IN MUSCLE TESTING. Information on what it’s about and how to preorder a special hardcover 1st Edition is below.

In 2020, we lost our carefree way of life. This wasn’t only the result of not understanding health, it was a consequence of not having an effective unified theory of health. EXPERIMENTS IN MUSCLE TESTING proposes such a theory.

Structured around a teaching tool called THE HEALTH LADDER, this book takes us on a journey from the Desert of Uncertainty to Space Age Medicine. It makes a few stops along the way. We explore

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The Common Roundworm (Ascaris), Anemia & Folic Acid deficiency

In this article we will explore how the parasite Ascaris Lumbricoides, the common roundworm is a frequent root cause of anemia and various iron deficiencies (ferritin, etc), folic acid deficiency and some dairy allergies.

If all parasites responded to medications you could take a pill and move on with your life. But most of them don’t. If instead they were accommodating enough to crawl out of you, slither under a microscope slide and smile for the camera, you could at least know which ones weren’t responding to medications. But of course they don’t do this either. Instead you live with them, they cause symptoms and you don’t even know you have them.

For a number of years I have been preoccupied with the question of how to eliminate these organisms using waveform frequencies. When this is effective, it enables us to bypass the dosage toxicity problem, which is that

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Muscle Testing Parasite Samples: The Confirmation Circle for Ivermectin 14

For those with a queasy stomach, please be aware that this article contains an image of a parasite sample.

In past articles we have explored the use of a muscle testing analysis to quantify parasites that were alive somewhere inside the body. This can be helpful to try to understand the root causes of medical conditions but since we are not actually seeing the organisms themselves, the analysis is partly theoretical. There is a margin of error in terms of what we find and how we interpret the findings.

Here we will take that concept a step further and analyze parasites that have left the body and ended up, rather dejectedly, in the toilet. There is very little room for misinterpretation when the organism is right there looking up at you.

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Muscle Testing Viruses

In times of trouble, sometimes the best remedy for panic is accurate information. This article does not contain information about a cure for the coronavirus virus. As far as I know, there isn’t a cure for any virus. We will however cover a way of muscle testing for viruses in general as well as examine the role that viruses play in health, and where parasites come into the picture.

The answers might surprise you. To start things off, let’s begin with a trick question: Q: How do you kill a virus?

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Gout: The (Parasite) Disease of Kings

I first learned about gout when I was in grade 7. The teacher was telling the class about a disease that kings used to get. At that age, I spent a lot of class time looking out the window daydreaming, but when the talk turned to kings and diseases, that caught my interest. The story was one you probably know:

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Dismantling the Architecture of a Gluten Allergy

The thinking of the world is that gluten allergies and celiac disease are permanent. My experience is that they are temporary and can be resolved once you eliminate the parasites that cause them. The purpose of this article is to examine the two thought processes—the worlds, and mine—so that you can make up your own mind once you have more of the facts.

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Top 10 Sources of Parasites in your Life

When asked the obvious question of where in the world we get parasites from, everybody knows the answer–they’re from somewhere else: Africa, South America, India, Mexico, but never from here (insert your Country’s name).

The exception to this is when your country is within Africa or South America, or if you actually live in India or elsewhere in the tropics. In those places it is common knowledge that parasites are in the jungles, in the south, in the rainforest, in the villages, but never in the cities.

In the cities we are safe. If you’re reading this, if you can read, you must be safe. We are all safe. Everyone in the world who is educated is safe from parasites. Only the uneducated, the folk in far-away tree, the villagers, the jungle-dwellers, those people, them, they…they have parasites but not us. Never us.

Except that we all do…

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The Breakthrough Solution to Eliminating Difficult Parasites

When you have eliminated all the parasites you can find (or even think of) and there is still a health symptom, one of two things has happened: either the symptom isn’t being caused by a parasite after all, or you haven’t found the parasite causing it.

In my retracing search for the parasites that cause symptoms I eventually took a hard look at the spinal column. My first thought was that it wasn’t possible for parasites to live in the spine but upon deeper consideration, why not?

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The Solution to Asthma: How to Breath Easy

It’s nice to be able to breathe.

Most of us take this for granted, and only notice that we are breathing at all when we start to lose the ability. Simply getting short of breath when you run up a flight of stairs can be written off to being out of shape or overweight. But for some people an invisible boundary is crossed and stairs or not, it is undeniable that breathing is no longer as easy as it once was. A portion of this group reaches a point where they can’t think about anything else. It’s nice to be able to breathe…but they can’t.

If you’re part of that group, this article is written for you: to help you understand why you can’t breathe and how to address the root cause. It’s a 5 or 10 minute read.

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An Analysis of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Part 2 – The Cure

This article is a continuation of An Analysis of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Part 1 – The Disease

When it is clarified that the rheumatic swelling in the bones is caused by tin, and that the tin is sticking to the bones, so to speak, because the bone marrow contains a tin-loving bacteria, it follows that the most obvious source of that bacteria is a parasite.

If the parasite were in the lungs you would have a chronic cough, or asthma. If it were in the intestines you might have SIBO, H. Pylori or chronic acid reflux. But when the organisms are in the bone marrow you will have pain, awful chronic burning pain right inside the bones, and we use the word arthritis to describe that. 

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Be Free from Gluten Allergies for Life: Part 3–Elimination

To prove that parasites are at the root of a gluten allergy it is necessary to be able to eliminate them.

In this article series, Part 1-Clarification identified that parasites are the most probable root cause of a gluten allergy. Part 2-Quantification outlined a new methodology of finding parasites, one that is arrived at by blending pharmacology, parasitology and a muscle testing analysis in a process that is new to modern science.

The uniqueness of this new testing process allows us to find what has never been found – the parasites at the root of a gluten allergy – but uncovers a problem that has never been quantified up until now:

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Be Free from Gluten Allergies for Life: Part 2–Quantification

This is Part 2 of a 3-part article series that outlines the pathway to the resolution of all degrees of gluten sensitivity, including the well-known celiac reaction.

The series is laid out as follows:

Part 1–Clarification
Part 2–Quantification
Part 3–Elimination

Once there is an understanding that parasites are at the root of gluten allergies, and by extension all allergies, several questions arise, and clarification is needed on many of them:

Which parasites is it common to get? Which parasites cause specific allergies? How do they cause allergies? How do you confirm which parasites you have? How do you get rid of them? How do you know they’re gone? Can you get them again? Where did you get them from? Where do you start???

This is my story of how I eliminated my own gluten allergy and I started where I guess anyone starts: seeing a Doctor and getting a stool analysis done to see which parasites I had.

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Be Free from Gluten Allergies for Life: Part 1–Clarification

This is the first of a 3-part article series that outlines the pathway to the resolution of all degrees of gluten sensitivity, including the well-known celiac reaction.

The series is laid out as follows:

Part 1–Clarification
Part 2–Quantification
Part 3–Elimination

But how can we become free from a health condition so socially entrenched that a cure is not even believed to be possible? The prevailing opinion is that a gluten allergy (and by extension, any allergy) is caused by the immune system, and is therefore incurable. This is a misconception, and before the recommended process of elimination can make sense, the true nature of the problem needs clarification.

We could begin where the current understanding lies: that a gluten allergy seems to strike from nowhere, like a bolt of lightning. And if you have just the right (well, wrong) genetics, the lightning will strike you.

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Why you keep getting parasites…and how to stop the cycle

What if getting a parasite wasn’t only something that happened to somebody else, but also applied to you? I have a pet theory that Edvard Munch’s painting The Scream (detail shown above) was inspired by his reaction to the knowledge that all humans host an average of 6 to 8 parasites until they get dewormed. Whether you end up having 8 or only 1, the fact remains: having no parasites at all is preferable.

There are 4 obvious steps to eliminating parasites, so the 5th step is the one everyone seems to overlook:

STEP 1 is to locate the parasite:  they can thrive in 3 body regions: 1) the intestines, 2) the blood stream or 3) any part of your body tissue, including the organs, the glands, the skin, scalp, eyes and brain. It is an uncomfortable thought that to parasites we are food, but it may provide some small consolation to know that some of them (giardia and the amoeba, for example) are microscopic.
STEP 2 is to identify it: it is ideal if parasites can be visually identified in a stool test but this almost never happens, so it is usually necessary to use alternative means to clarify which species you’ve picked up. A muscle testing analysis is probably the most accurate when done scientifically.
STEP 3 is to treat it: an unappreciated fact is that each species needs its own treatment. Many approaches work, but few work on all species. It seems the most universal treatment modality is electrode therapy, which works on all species but one in 5 minutes.
STEP 4 is to confirm the treatment worked. If after step 3, you can’t find the parasite, then logically, what you did in Step 3 must have worked. Where it hasn’t worked, that’s fine, at least now you know what doesn’t work and that will make your search more efficient. Eventually, something will work.
But STEP 5 is the step most people miss: stop the cycle of getting them back. You got them from somewhere to begin with, so chances are you will get them again unless you learn how to stop reinfecting.

This article is about Step 5: How to stop the cycle of getting parasites… again.

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The Tapeworm I Found in my Salad Dressing with a Microscope

First the tapeworm I found in my cheese and now this… I’m seeing a pattern…

Having developed a way to use a muscle testing analysis to identify whether something has a parasite before finding out the hard way by actually eating it, life has become much more simple. If product produces a weak muscle testing response, I assume there are parasite eggs in it and don’t eat it. But I don’t like to assume…

I was having this conversation with a student one day and a very valid question came up: when something tests as if it has a tapeworm in it, for example, what are we actually finding? The carcass of a tapeworm, tapeworm eggs or some other agent that only looks like a tapeworm? I had always assumed it was the eggs we were finding but that lead to an obvious challenge, which I readily accepted: if it’s testing for tapeworm eggs, there must be evidence to prove this scientifically. Not that muscle testing isn’t scientific but it is more open to interpretation than something you can physically see.

So this is what we did…

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12 TV Commercials that are really about a parasite you didn’t know you had

During one of my recent trips to an out of town clinic, I had a spare hour to catch up on the news on a hotel TV. What fascinated me wasn’t the news, it was the TV commercials. Every commercial was about a health condition directly caused by a parasite.

To be clear, parasites weren’t the subject of the commercials. They weren’t even referred to. Instead, each commercial was about a product intended to manage a symptom. But I knew from experience that each of these symptoms was a side effect of having a parasite. Whether it be bad breath, dandruff, inflammation or the so-called common cold, people all across the world suffer from conditions that would be best treated by identifying and eliminating the parasite that causes them. But this wasn’t mentioned in a single ad.

Do the advertisers simply not know this? Did you know this? Here’s a subject list of the commercials I watched and below that, notes on the corresponding parasite that is most likely causing each condition:

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Understanding Vibrational Frequency: Cracking the Sound Code

We’ve all heard about vibrational medicine and the internet is full of sound videos that claim they play a frequency that will heal you if you listen to it. Then there are the energy entrepreneurs, a new breed of salesman who pedals products (lamps, light pads, zappers, mysterious boxes that sit on your countertop and other fine doodads) with claims of healing powers that make snake oil seem potent by comparison.

But interestingly enough, in the realm of particle physics at least some of these claims are possible. Here is a link to an article about researchers at Arizona State University who are trying to find the correct vibrational frequency to kill a virus. By the same reasoning, it is possible to kill a parasite with a frequency that targets it, but not you. This is called the Terminal Frequency of the parasite. I’ve been doing some research in this area with the intention of finding an alternative to the use of medications in parasite elimination, and I think I’ve finally come up with something.

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A Good Night’s Sleep: The End of Insomnia & Sleeplessness

Even as a child, I didn’t sleep like a baby. I think I already had Giardia at that point; I probably got it from the public swimming pool (chlorine doesn’t kill Giardia) or the drinking fountain at my elementary school, which had pipes older than my grandmother. People just didn’t understand parasites back then. I guess they still don’t…the CDC still reinforces the misconception that Giardia is only an intestinal condition whereas in fact it very quickly gets into the thyroid, brain and pineal gland and causes a host of other symptoms from asthma to migraines to, yes, insomnia.

hardy-boysI certainly didn’t have the understanding to put into language at that age the fact that I couldn’t get to sleep like everyone else did was because Giardia was clogging my pineal gland. Instead, I pretended to go to sleep, and then when everyone else in the house was asleep, I’d turn the light back on and read a book (there was no internet, this was the 1970’s). I read the complete hardy boys 2x and then moved onto other sets. Sometimes I was so awake I’d start and finish a whole book that night.

It got to the point where I couldn’t sleep until dawn, so I’d always sleep in until noon. This didn’t meet with a favourable reception in High School but in University, I’d pick afternoon and evening classes. When I finally had to be on an adult’s schedule, I’d force going to sleep. This meant I’d wake up in the middle of the night, usually from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m.. That went on for another 15 years.

It was only when I started eliminating my parasites, and when my sleep problem suddenly went away, that I realized how much of a problem sleep had been for all those years.

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There’s No Such Thing as Food Poisoning: It’s always a Parasite

Since the average person I consult with has about 6 parasites, the most common question I hear is “how did I get these things”? “Well,” I ask, “have you ever had food poisoning?” Everybody has had food poisoning at least once. Some people have had it 5 or more times over the course of their lives. What I’m proposing is that each time you have food poisoning, you pick up a parasite. If you have had it 5x, that’s probably 5 different parasites. You can pick up a parasite without getting sick, but if you did get food poisoning, you certainly got … Read the full article…

The Tapeworm I Found in my Cheese And the 7 Experiments I did with it

One morning there was a tapeworm in my cheese. Not a fully-grown tapeworm obviously, they can live for 25 years and be anywhere from 15 feet long (pork tapeworm) to 25 feet (beef tapeworm) to 60 feet (the fish tapeworm). I would have noticed something that long in my cheese. No, these were just tapeworm eggs. I was on a road trip to one of the remote clinics I visit in Alberta. I had felt fine all day but at midnight when I was trying to go to sleep, my heart started pounding. That was my first indication that something had gone … Read the full article…

An Analysis of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Part 1- The Disease

The post below has been revised as of July 2018. I’ve been meaning to update it for some time: the content below, with revisions is now Part 1. There is a link at the end to Part 2, which covers the resolution to arthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (R.A.) is a condition that is based on a misunderstanding of what is going on in the bone marrow, in the same way that osteoporosis fails to grasp where the bone minerals are going. Even so, you may well ask why the header image for this article is that of an ancient Cornwall tin mine. As you’ll see, I was trying to be clever.

This article will quantify the disease aspect of R.A. and Part 2 will address the resolution to the disease.

To place this in its proper historical context, here’s a quick history of rheumatoid arthritis.

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The End of Osteoporosis: The Way Out of the Maze

If you already have osteoporosis, this article is your roadmap out of the maze. If you don’t have it, this will serve as an explanation of how not to get it. A scientific understanding of bone health will enable everyone to avoid osteoporosis, whether they have it or not.

For osteoporosis to come to an end, the first thing we need to understand is that the definition of the word is not entirely accurate:

os·te·o·po·ro·sis: ästēōpəˈrōsəs/
noun: a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue, typically as a result of hormonal changes, or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D.

If we accept that hormones, calcium or vitamin D deficiency cause osteoporosis, we’re stuck in a maze with no exit. Here’s what a maze with no exit looks like and this is exactly how the world currently sees osteoporosis:

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The Alkaline Water Problem Part 2: Mineral Toxicity

The mountain lake featured in the image above might appear to have the cleanest water in the world but over time it could poison you. This is because of its alkaline mineral content. The mistaken belief that alkaline water has health benefits is rooted in one of the biggest misconceptions of the 20th century: that all forms of a mineral are good for you. This is the conclusion to the article: The Alkaline Water Problem Part 1: Myth vs Fact.

CalMagYou will encounter a proposal in this article that you may not have heard before: that alkaline water can directly cause major medical conditions. This article will not focus on which medical conditions alkaline water can cause, but it will articulate why alkaline water is capable of causing conditions in general and why you should avoid it in specific. 

The current focus with alkaline water (both natural and artificially made) is upon whether or not its positive health claims are true, as evidenced by this statement from the Mayo Clinic. Nobody is looking at alkaline water as a negative. It is this final conceptual leap that we will now make: that alkaline water is in fact poisonous. Some people seem to have immunity to its harmful effects but the percentage of people who can be harmed by it is high enough that it should be avoided.

The dangers of alkaline water are misunderstood. Even the experts who agree that it is poisonous are under the mistaken belief that this stems from its high magnesium and calcium content. This is not accurate. In fact the harmful effects derive from the fact that alkaline water-based magnesium and calcium occur in their metallic form instead of their nutritional form. This is a distinction most people don’t know they should be making. 

If your organic chemistry is rusty, don’t worry: all the science you’ll need is simplified below. We will use magnesium and calcium as the examples, since they are the two primary alkaline minerals, but this principle extends to all minerals that have a metabolic role (chromium, selenium, etc). 

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The Alkaline Water Problem Part 1: Myth vs Fact

In the 1990’s, alkaline water was new wave thinking.
In the 2000’s, the concept gained popularity and momentum.
By the 2010’s, it was so entrenched that only the most backward thinkers hadn’t heard of its benefits.

The Myth is that it’s good for you. Only now are true facts coming to light: drinking Alkaline Water is one of the worst things you could do to your body. To find out the science of why, let’s examine the myths and then the facts in that order.

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How Muscle Testing Works Part 2: The Missing Link

This is the conclusion to the article How Muscle Testing Works Part 1: The Physics of BioElectric Fields.

We now understand that muscle testing, which might have seemed like magic even 100 years ago is actually rooted in the science of Biophysics and based on the newly discovered Law of BioElectric Fields (as outlined in the article linked above). However, it is sometimes unclear to readers exactly how fluctuations in the body’s own BioElectric Field (which would be perceived as a colour-shift, if you could see them) can affect muscle strength and get picked up during a muscle test.

In this entry we will explore the missing link between the BioElectric Field and the muscles. This will explain the mechanism by which muscle testing is able to provide accurate data about human health and will lay the groundwork for a whole new science of BioElectric Field analysis, where we will come to see the body’s BioElectric Field as the 6th and most powerful of the 5 senses.

So as to keep this grounded in the practical, let’s begin with a short review of why this information is necessary.

The Sensory Disconnect (Internal) 

The problem with our brains – and this has been a problem since we developed a prefrontal cortex (PFC, the brain region where higher reasoning takes place – lizards for example don’t have a PFC) – is that we can only consciously access about 5% of overall brain functions. We seem to have traded an ancient internal monitoring system (the now-hidden 95%) for a new external monitoring system (the 5 senses) and now we’ve forgotten the 95% was even there. 

The good news is we can still retrieve the missing 95% of information. Here’s how:

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The Parasite Problem: the Limits of Laboratory Parasite Testing

Chances are, you have a parasite. Maybe you picked it up when you were travelling, maybe you got it at a local restaurant where the chef didn’t wash his cutting board after preparing raw meat, maybe it was in your yogurt. It doesn’t matter where it came from, now it’s in you. You might be aware of some of the symptoms a parasite causes (bloating, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, gluten allergy and milk allergy) but it’s just as likely that you don’t have any symptoms. If you read up on some of these organisms in a microbiology textbook, the word “asymptomatic” … Read the full article…

How Muscle Testing Works Part 1: The Physics of BioElectric Fields

At the request of many patients, friends and colleagues I am posting a short, detailed write-up of how muscle works. The explanation is spread out over two separate posts as it is based on two different principles. This is Part 1: The Physics of Bioelectric Fields.

As one of the world’s leading proponents of muscle testing, I am often asked how it works. This used to take a long time to explain and when pressed for time, I would defer the question by stating: “Unless you’re a Biophysicist, its probably not going to make sense to you”. Then one day I said that to someone who turned out to be a Biophysicist but it didn’t make sense to her either. That was an eye-opener for me.

Over the course of our conversation, I realized why muscle testing didn’t make sense to her and also, why it hasn’t made sense to anyone else since it was invented 50 years ago. By the end of our talk I had explained it to her satisfaction in the language of modern scientific theory and she understood it for the first time. More importantly, I had worked out once and for all how to explain muscle testing simply. 

What follows is a condensed version of what we talked about.

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