2024 Update from Leonard

Hi Everyone,

I hope you’re doing well.

Some of you might have been waiting to hear from me on some of the topics outlined below. This will be my last update for 2024.

I have spent this summer in a deep research project on how to increase the amplitude (volume, power, strength, etc) of a frequency treatment. I have worked on this uninterrupted for all of July & August and as a result, haven’t replied to any emails since June.

The result has been four big breakthroughs on why some people still have symptoms after a parasite treatment.

Here’s a quick summary.

Breakthrough 1: Parasitic Fungi

For the last two years, when someone muscle tested for not having any parasites after a frequency treatment, the reasonable question has arisen: fine, but why are there still symptoms? My feedback in the last 18 months has been “You are muscle testing for viruses, and they can alter your chemistry just like a parasite can, so maybe that explains the remaining symptoms”.

Over the course of the summer I think I have solved this dilemma. In fact what appears to be causing these remaining symptoms are not viruses but parasitic molds and fungi. This is great news because one of the reasons I never had success in treating molds and fungi is that I have never understood that I needed to target them. It’s a lot easier to hit a target when you actually point at it… In fact in this blog post, I mistakenly suggest that fungi are your best friend. Some are, and to my credit, those were the ones I was talking about.

But some aren’t and I shouldn’t have referenced candida or aspergillus, those are bad ones. Some are even worse than parasites and viruses. This group of organisms can act parasitically, but they are not worms or single celled organisms. As fungi they are closer to plants than animals. They seem to produce digestive enzymes that melt parts of our bodies away. It happens slowly enough that we can heal, but there is an internal biological tug of war and it doesn’t feel nice.

Here is a picture of yellow slime mold growing on a tree. This is one of the main reasons that I have forbidden anyone from sending me pictures of their poop. More often than not, it is slime mold that shows up in the stools and it can look a bit worm-like. People think these are roundworms but they aren’t, they are toxic slime, and I would much rather they didn’t show up in my inbox.

This subject deserves its own article but I haven’t had the time. In short, here is a list of symptoms that fungi can contribute to:

Symptoms of Toxic Molds and Fungi

Here is a list of symptoms that are probably caused by fungi, not a parasite. It is a long list and it is not even comprehensive, there is probably a lot more.

1. Food allergies (that do not resolve from a parasite treatment): gluten, dairy, nuts, beef, sugar, coffee.
2. Sugar reactivity.
3. Itching:
skin, genitals, anus, scalp and candida symptoms.
4. Hair Loss:
thinning, baldness or just greying/whitening.
5. Skin conditions: Rashes, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus or lichen sclerosus.
6. Vision issues: difficulty focusing, loss of close up or long distance vision, iritis.
7. Eye floaters (the floaters are actual fungal strands that you are seeing).
8. Autoimmune conditions: hashimotos, diabetes, gout, essential tremors, IBS, celiac, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis.
9. Arthritis: osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis. This also explains a cross-over condition like psoriatic arthritis where the fungus is in the bones and the skin.
10. Pain: Back pain, neck pain, joint pain. They get inside the spinal column and cause a lot of nerve pinching.
11. Intestinal symptoms: bloating, diarrhea, constipation, acidity, localized pain.
12. Breathing conditions: shortness of breath, asthma, COPD, emphysema.
13. Headaches: migraines, cluster headaches, vision headaches.
14. Nutritional conditions: low ferritin, low iron, anemia, low vitamin A (nyctalopia), low vitamin B (beriberi is B1, pellagra is B3, cobalamin deficiency is B12, etc.), low vitamin C (scurvy), low vitamin D (ricketts), high vitamin D (hypervitaminosis D).

There is a very simple logic to it. If these symptoms resolve from a parasite treatment, it was a parasite causing them. If they don’t, it is probably a fungus causing it, and this explains why a second parasite treatment wouldn’t have helped any more than the first did.

Breakthrough 2: Malaria, Gluten & Dairy Allergies

At the beginning of the summer I did a deep dive into malaria and wrote the following article. I encourage you to read it. Years ago I didn’t even know how to test for malaria. More recently I was able to test but in many cases was not able to help. Quite recently I made a technical breakthrough that a particular sub-type of very low-grade malaria can be at the root of many gluten and dairy allergies that were not resolving in the clinics.

It’s worth a read, and may apply to you, and it may also explain why some people find that old symptoms return a few months after they have been traveling the world.

Breakthrough 3: Treatment Time, Hours versus Years

One of the technicalities in getting a resonant frequency treatment to work on a target is the question of how long it takes before it reaches a terminal harmonic state. In my own developmental history in this science, I have found that 2 to 6 hours has been the effective range but that has depended on a number of variables.

A series of breakthroughs this summer has made it apparent that in some cases, things that weren’t dying (meaning they would not reach a terminal state) needed a much longer treatment. Not more hours, more years.

The math indicated that some things would need about 10 years to die. Not 10 years of treatments, 10 years of sitting in a room for a single treatment. The good news is you could have caught up on all your reading…

There was a solution to this that involved identifying the correct amplitude axis on a particular circuit and doubling it several times. It doesn’t sound like much but if you double the speed on a 10 year treatment one time, it is still 5 years long, but if you double it 15 times in series, that reduces 10 years to a little under 2.5 hours.

Simply put, that has allowed certain things to die that otherwise wouldn’t have because nobody had the 10 years to wait.

If you had something that wouldn’t resolve from a treatment, this might apply to you.

Breakthrough 4: Cryptosporidium, The New Frontier

The final project I have been working on has had to do with a poorly understood subcategory of single celled parasite called cryptosporidium.  Parasites as you may know are divided into single-celled and multi-celled.

Multi-celled parasites are tapeworms, flukes, roundworms, hookworms, etc.

The single-celled group is subdivided into a number of categories:
1. Flagellates (like Giardia/beaver fever). Apparently there are 1,800 parasitic species.
2. Amoebas (like entamoeba histolytic). There are thought to be 250 species but I suspect the number is significantly higher.
3. Ciliates (like B.Coli, not to be confused with E.Coli that is a bacteria). Apparently there are 2,500 parasitic species.
4. Sporozoans (like malaria, toxoplasma, and cryptosporidium). Supposedly there are 5,600 species of parasitic sporozoans but I suspect the number is in the millions–how can you count them if you can’t even find them?

There is a layering effect with muscle testing. I often refer to it in conversation as a deck of cards where only the top card shows up. Peel that card off, and there is one underneath. How deep does the deck go?

Counting in categories of parasitic organisms, and having taken a deep dive into pathogenic fungi, I can now give an account of what shows up underneath all of these layers: cryptosporidium. It is astounding how resilient cryptosporidium parasites are.

Here is how this looks in the sequential order that they show up. The first category must generally be eliminated for the one below it to show up in a muscle test:

1A. Multi-celled Parasites → and
1B. Single-celled amoebas and Giardia → then
2. Bad Bacteria → then
3. Malaria & Cryptosporidium 1 → then
4. Viruses → then
5. Fungi (not fun guys at all) → then
6. Cryptosporidium 2 → then

…Healthy for a change?

The lesson for me in all of this is that a number of different organisms can separately cause health issues in ways that may be unrelated to each other. Treating only for parasites won’t help with a fungus. Treating only for a fungus won’t help with malaria or cryptosporidium. An ideal frequency treatment will incorporate all of these targets into one outgoing electromagnetic field.

Cryptosporidium parasites have unique but predictable chemistries. They appear to only use 1-valence or 7-valence elements. The 1-valence categories include hydrogen H#1 (fat gain), sodium Na#11 (dry mouth, brain fog) and potassium K#19 (chronic low energy). The 7-valence group includes fluorine F#9 (tooth decay, headaches and bone pain), chlorine Cl#17 (skin rashes, allergy symptoms and digestive problems) and rhenium Re#75 (appears to be causing rheumatoid arthritis). Iodine (I#53) based cryptosporidium may be a contributor to Hashimoto’s and other thyroid related issues, though an iodine fungus is also a good candidate for this.

Cryptosporidium needs a significantly higher amplitude to die than even fungi need.


That’s it for now. Here is a link back to the main website page where I have organized further links to some blog articles in thematic order pertaining to different types of food allergies and symptoms. It’s easy to scroll through without having to open every article.
