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Here are some of Leonard Carter’s articles about muscle testing applied to common health symptoms:


Dairy Allergies

How Dairy Allergies, Bloating and Acidity Can Stem From Malaria and Chlorine (Cl#17)


Eliminating a Milk Allergy, Understanding the Dairy Paradox



Gluten Allergies

Dismantling the Architecture of a Gluten Allergy

Be Free from Gluten Free


On Lyme disease











Breathing Symptoms & Asthma:

The Solution to Asthma: How to Breath Easy



Acid Reflux:

The Hidden Role of Helium (He#2) in Acid Reflux

Wormy Articles:

Count the Blood Worms

The Common Roundworm (Ascaris), Anemia and Folic Acid Deficiency


Experiments in Muscle Testing is a #1 Amazon Bestseller

Buy Experiments in Muscle Testing

Hardcover at Vitruvian Press ($45 CAD)

Softcover on Amazon ($20)



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